Thursday, March 16, 2017

English Short Story

Jennifer Goolsby

The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was a ceiling fan and a couple balloons flying around. My vision was all fuzzy. When I turned to my right, I saw some beer bottles and cans on the coffee table that I didn't recognize. Suddenly, I felt my heart speed up and my vision cleared.

“Mmmm good morning beautiful.”

I screamed and jumped off the couch I was posted on.

“Who are you?!” I yelled frantically.

“Drew, remember? From last night?”

“Umm no. Did we…?”

“No, haha, we didn't. The closest we got was when I was holding your hair up while you puked in my toilet.”

“Oh, well thanks I guess.”

“Yeah it's no problem. You were pretty out of it.”

“Well I guess I better go.”

“Wait, you should stay and get some more rest before leaving. i'll get you some water,hang on.”


Drew stood up and smiled. As he walked out he threw his head to the side and I heard his neck pop. I stared at his muscular back as he left the room.

A couple minutes of staring off around the room, almost investigating, Drew came back in. In his left hand was a glass of water with a couple ice cubes that clinked against the glass as he walked. In his right, a cool blue gatorade bottle.

He handed me the gatorade bottle and set the glass on a coaster that rested on top of the coffee table.

“Hydrate and replenish.”

I gave him a smile.

He grabbed the remote off the dark brown table and clicked the power button, set the remote the down, then walked back into the kitchen he came from.

The TV turned on and it was already on channel six. The news. When the blonde news anchor had finished some sap story she was going on about some blind dog who got adopted, I rolled my eyes. Although I love all animals, the story didn't tug my heart strings, i'm a cat person. I started dosing off again, but dress voice woke me up.

“Wow. That's horrible. What a poor guy.”

I opened my eyes to see a black haired new anchor speaking frantically about a massive car crash downtown by the record store on 11th street. I saw a face on the bottom of the screen I recognized. Dad?

I immediately stood up and looked at the tv for three more seconds but it seemed frozen. No sound no movement. No anything.

“Hey, are you alright? Do you know him or something?”

I frantically gathered everything I saw that I knew belonged to me and ran towards the door.

“Wait! Where are you going? I'll come with you!”

I ran down the street until I couldn't run anymore. All I taste is salty tears. Now blood. Tears again. I feel to the ground and laid my head on the concrete. I saw a bright yellow dandelion growing up from in between the pavement. I picked it and threw it. Daisies are me and dads favorite.

I closed my eyes and took a breath. I felt the touch of a jacket being placed on me.

“You forgot your coat…” Drew said.

I sat up and he put his arm around me. I rested my head on his shoulder and another tear fell down my cheek.

“Where do you need to go? I'll take you.”


“Okay, come on.”

Drew stood up and grabbed my hand and pulled my arm to pull me up off the dirty sidewalk. Walking back to his house, you could only hear leaves rustling down the street. There were no kids out that day. It was a sad day. And the world knew it.
Before I knew it we were in front of his house and I was crawling  into the back of his car. It smelled like a new car almost. All I remember is him starting to drive but I hadn't given him any directions yet…

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Blogpost #3

This is a lamp in my room. I was looking around to take pictures for my blogpost and I saw this light and put my phone up to it and it gave off a cool look because of the patterns of the lines in a circle leading up to the light.